How Water Pump Well Switches Can Destroy Your Efficiency

A water pump is a system that has a variety of small and delicate parts. One of the most important of these is the water pump switch. When this switch stops working, you are going to find that your efficiency level plummets.

How A Well Switch Improves Efficiency

A water well pressure switch is designed to tell the pump when to send water and when not to carry water. This level is measured in PSI and goes into play when a certain pressure level is available in the pipes. Switching the control knobs of your sink or bathtub will cause this pressure to increase or decrease and help the pump send out an appropriate amount of water.

One that is operating well helps to send only the correct amount of water through your system. This method helps to increase your efficiency by streamlining its operation. However, a failing switch will severely decrease your sink efficiency. It may even make the pump fail to operate.

The Problems When They Fail

A water pump switch will typically fail if the spring in the switch and its wire ports end up disconnected. This failure may result in a pump that fires in a somewhat sporadic or uneven fashion. Unfortunately, this reaction can cause your pump to lose its efficiency. However, other problems, such as rusted contacts, can make the switch fail to work at all.

Before assuming that your switch has failed, try running water at various speeds to gauge when it no longer runs. Typically, it will stop when you reach a particular pressure, or it will struggle to operate. Once you have noticed it fails to run, it is time to find a way to fix this problem to restore your water efficiency to your home.

Fixes For This Problem

In some instances of well pump switch malfunction, you may be able to adjust the way it runs to improve its efficiency. Most of these switches should have an adjustment knob that you can use to increase or decrease the pressure. Try tweaking this flow to test whether or not your switch is losing efficiency or if it just needs adjustment.

If it does need to be replaced, you may be able to do it on your own. This act requires identifying the elements holding the switch to the pump and carefully removing them. The attaching items will vary, but typically include screws, nuts, and bolts. Most of the time, there should be at least four to six of these things on a pump.

By following these simple steps, you can get your well pump switch fixed quickly and efficiently. However, you can also talk to a professional to see if they are willing to help you out. They can swap out the switch and get your pump working again with no problem.
